South Goulburn Island



Warruwi is the main township on South Goulburn Island, approximately 300km east of Darwin at the eastern base of the Coburg Peninsula.

The island has a stunning mix of natural landscapes including pristine beaches, rocky outcrops and sweeping marshlands, harbouring an abundance of wildlife including crocodiles, fish, dugong, turtle, oysters, crayfish, mud crab and stingrays.


The community has approximately 400 residents


The main language at Warruwi is Mawng.  Other languages spoken are Walang, Kunwinjku and English.


Accommodation  Refer to Shire WARC - click here
Health Clinic  08 8979 0500
Police  08 8979 0631
Store  08 8979 0233
Shire  08 8979 0211